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class="text">Feb - Prepare with students to fly prototype Bioreactor for peristaltic pump validation and to collect RCCU pressure versus flow rate data. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Feb - TTI students and teacher lobby directly in Wash., D.C. for Congressional STAIRS funding. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Feb - TTI preparing curriculum for FCCJ s Advanced Space Camp for summer 2007. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Feb - TTI students at EVA train for and win first place overall at the Jacksonville Region US Army Corps of Engineers High School Engineering Competition. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Feb - TTI Teacher selected by the Space Foundation as a TEACHER LIAISON (recognized as one of 43 teachers nationwide at the National Space Symposium, April in Colorado Springs). <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Mar - TTI students train for and become first to fly high school experiment aboard Zero G Corporation aircraft (validating bioreactor hardware for future spaceflight experiment). <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Mar - Zero G story carried nationwide on CNN, Headline News, and several local station. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Apr - TTI and EVA students traveled to Tallahassee and met Lt. Gov Kottkamp, Sen. Wise, Reps. Carroll and Allen (Recognized on the floor of the Florida Legislature). <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">May - TTI sponsors third annual AEROSPACE DAYS with FCCJ at Cecil Field. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">May - Published Clay Today. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Jun - Published Argyle Today. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Jun - Taught 8 weeks of FCCJ Space and Advanced Space Camps. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Jun - Teacher and students invited guests of SPACE FLORIDA for STS-117 launch. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Aug - Attended STS-118 Launch with Advanced Space Camp students as VIP guests. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Oct - Selected as one of ten national finalists for the X Prize Pete Conrad Spirit of Innovation Award; attendced the Wirefly XPrize Cup in Holloman AFB, Alomogordo, New Mexico. <br><br></span></li> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Oct - Students working on two aeroponics related science fair competitions. </span></li> </ul> <p align="left" class="Headings"><strong> <br> 2006 </strong></p> <ul> <li class="text"> <span class="text">Jan - Students Prepared for March trip to Washington, D.C. <br><br> </span></li> <li class="text"> Feb - TTI team takes first place at the JAX USACE High School Engineering Day competition. <br><br> </li> <li class="text"> Mar - TTI receives Department of Education request for earmark from Congressman for STAIRS program. <br> <br> </li> <li class="text"> Mar - TTI s first 2006 AEROSPACE DAY event occurs in Lake Butler (at Union County H.S.). <br> <br> </li> <li class="text"> Apr - TTI traveled to Tallahassee and met met Gov. Bush, Lt. Gov. Jennings, Sen. Wise, Reps. Allen, Carroll, and Waters (Recognized on the floor of the Florida Legislature). <br><br></li> <li class="text"> Apr - TTI teacher/students presented at Jacksonville meeting of the American Chemical Society. <br><br> </li> <li class="text"> Apr - TTI s 2nd AEROSPACE DAYS event in Orange Park (~300 students). <br><br> </li> <li class="text"> May - Planning FCCJ s first Math and Science SPACE CAMP (in July for 5th-10th graders). <br><br> </li> <li class="text"> Jun - TTI presents STAIRS program to both ERAU Daytona campus TEACHSPACE classes. <br><br> </li> <li class="text"> Jun - Flew aboard Zero G as part of NG s Weightless Flights of Discovery (tested components of TTI s bioreactor); story carried nationally on CNN, Today Show. <br><br> </li> <li class="text"> Jul - Published in Clay Today. <br><br></li> <li class="text"> Aug - TTI personnel teaching high school Aerospace Science class beginning in fall. <br><br></li> <li class="text"> Oct - Preparing STAIRS curriculum. <br><br></li> <li class="text"> Dec - TTI Students attend SPACEFLORIDA meeting; there acknowledged by Gov. Bush. <br><br></li> <li class="text"> Dec - TTI teacher and students invited as VIP guests for STS-116 launch of Atlantis. <br><br></li> <li class="text"> Dec - Article in Argyle Today (monthly newspaper). </li> </ul> <br> <p align="left" class="Headings"><strong> 2005 </strong></p> <ul> <li class="text">Jan - Press Conference as TEKNA-THEOS Inc. receives check for $50,000.<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Jan - Finalist for ACSI Exemplary School Program for 2004-05.<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Feb - Construction of TTI s new website (www.teknatheos.org)by Interchanges.com).<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Feb - Fifteen students participated in AVIATION/ENGINEERING MINIMESTER by touring NAS JAX DEPOT and flew Navy P-3 simulators on site. <br><br></li> <li class="text">Feb - Fifteen students competed in SAME/USA Corps of Engineering Day- finished 2nd overall versus 27 other schools teams<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Feb - TTI and OPCA sponsor SPACE DAY with 360 students from other schools attending.<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Feb - four newspapers and one TV crew attend SPACE DAY (evening report on local news).<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Mar - Teacher/student accompanied FSGC Director to US House of Representatives (Wash., DC)and called on the House Committee on Science to pursue student spaceflight program. <br><br></li> <li class="text">Sep - Students begin RCCU pressure v. flow rate curves using digital pressure gauge on loan from Northrop Grumman. <br><br></li> <li class="text">Oct - Teacher and four students make TTI presentation at the National Space Grant Director s meeting in Cocoa Beach. <br><br></li> <li class="text">Nov - Several presentations made at annual ACSI Florida Region and FLOCS Conventions.<br><br> </li> <li class="text"> Nov - TTI students begin weekly jobs as volunteers at local Congressman s office.<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Nov - Students planning for AEROSPACE DAYS 2006 in both Clay and Union Counties. </li> </ul> <strong><br> </strong> <p align="left" class="Headings"><strong> 2004 </strong></p> <ul> <li class="text">Jan - 6 students/1 teacher attended the FSGC/UNF Protein Crystals Advanced Student Workshop.<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Feb - $50,000 Gift donated to TEKNA-THEOS Inc. from private estate.<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Feb - Students attended SAME Engineering Day competitions (2 -4 th out of 28 school finishes)<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Feb - Established relationships with Potters House and Edward Waters College<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Mar - 8th grade students working on the Ames Research Center Space Settlement contest<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Mar - 9th-12th Honors students working on the Mars Society Earth Return Vehicle Competition<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Mar - Submitted grant application to FSGC for 2004<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Mar - 10 students attended by invitation the Society for American Engineers luncheon<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Mar - Initiated discussions with HDR concerning proposal for new building<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Apr - TEKNA-THEOS Inc. selected as one of ACSI&rsquo;s Exemplary School Programs of 2003-2004<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Apr - Met Congressman Andrew Crenshaw at STARSHIP 2040 display- (Jacksonville MOSH)<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Apr - Students traveled to MSFC ( Alabama) to assemble bioreactor prototype components<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Apr - Finalized plans for Fall Private Pilots Ground School Course<br><br> </li> <li class="text">May - Submitted NASA OPBR NRA with MSFC contractors and area scientists<br><br> </li> <li class="text">May - Received 2nd FSGC Research and Education Grant ($15,000)<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Jun - Students travel to Kennedy Space Center to visit FSGC personnel and discuss projects<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Jun - Ground School students fly over Orange Park and take pictures of school<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Sep - 1st College level Private Pilot&rsquo;s Ground School Class began<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Oct - Bioreactor handoff meeting at school with MSFC Bioreactor builders<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Oct - Second Press Conference; 3 Newspapers articles, one local Television story<br><br> </li> <li class="text">Nov - Awarded 2 nd FSGC Aerospace Education Grant Award ($500)</li> </ul> <p align="left" class="Headings"><strong>2003 </strong></p> <ul> <li class="text">Feb - 2 students/1 teacher attended FSGC/UNF Protein Crystal in Space-Adv. Student Workshop.<br> <br> </li> <li class="text">Feb - Published in the Florida Times Union (2 Feb 03).</li><br><br> <li class="text">Feb - Published in the Florida Times Union (4 Feb 03).</li><br><br> <li class="text">Feb - 3 Students attended the SAME National Engineering Day Activities.</li><br><br> <li class="text">May - Students get  hands-on Snake Day (~30 snakes).</li><br><br> <li class="text">May - Awarded FSGC Research and Education Grant ($18,640).</li><br><br> <li class="text">May - First Press Conference.</li><br><br> <li class="text">May - Published in the Clay Today, the Clay County Leader, the Clay County Line.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Jun - Student certified to teach Knight Vision/DDR; presentation to Clay County School Board.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Jun - Completed the Preliminary Requirements Document for the Bioreactor.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Jun - Traveled to meet Primary Bioreactor contractor at Marshall Space Flight Center.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Nov - School visit from Dr. Mukherjee (FSGC Administrator) and Dr. Brandenberg.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Nov - Awarded 1st FSGC Aerospace Education Grant Award ($500).</li><br><br> <li class="text">Dec- 7th-12th students completed NSIP projects: SEM, Journalism, AETC, MTM and beyond. </li> </ul> <p align="left" class="Headings"><strong>2002</strong></p> <ul> <li class="text"></li>Feb - Published in the Florida Times Union (6 Feb 02). <br><br> <li class="text">Jun - TEKNA-THEOS Inc. Incorporated.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Aug - Met Dr. Durrance (astronaut / FSRI director), Dr. Mukherjee (FSGC administrator), and Dr. Brandenberg (astrophysicist) to discuss bioreactor plans.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Aug - Published in the Clay County Line of the Florida Times Union.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Sep - Published in the Clay County Line of the Florida Times Union.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Sep - Completed Westinghouse team competition.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Sep - 7th-12th students completed Biological Crystals in Space Experiment.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Oct - Rappelling, Obstacle Course, and Drug Demand Reduction course at Camp Blanding.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Oct - 6 Students to University of Florida Medical School Library.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Nov - twelve students to Society of Neuroscience annual convention.</li><br><br> <li class="text">Dec - 7th-12th students completed NSIP projects: SEM, AETC, and MTM.</li> <br><br> <li class="text">Dec - 7th-12th students completed NSIP projects: SEM, Journalism, AETC, MTM and beyond.</li> </ul> <p align="left" class="Headings"><strong>2001 </strong></p> <ul class="text"> <li class="text"><p>Mar - Concept for Biotechnology Club conceived.</p> </li> <li class="text"> <p>Oct - Met with representatives of Grumman regarding sponsorship.</p> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p></td> </tr> </table> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></td> <td width="226" valign="top" bgcolor="#14385A"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><IMG SRC="images/index_17.jpg" WIDTH=226 HEIGHT=28 ALT=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#14385A"><IMG SRC="images/index_09a.png" ALT="" WIDTH=226 HEIGHT=514 border="0" usemap="#Map" href="../donate.htm"></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="56" colspan="2" background="images/footer.jpg"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center" class="footer"><span class="style1"><a href="index.htm">Home</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="missionstatement.htm">Mission Statement</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="summary.htm">Summary</a>&nbsp; |&nbsp; <a href="pressreleases.htm">Press Release</a>&nbsp; |&nbsp; <a href="historychron.htm">History</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="resources.htm">Recources</a>&nbsp; |&nbsp; <a href="currentprojects.htm">Current Projects</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="contactus.htm">Contact Us</a></span> <br> <strong>Copyright &copy; 2005 Tekna-Theos Inc. | <a href="privacypolicy.htm">Privacy Policy</a> | Designed by: <a href="http://www.interchanges.com/" target="_blank">Interchanges.com</a> | <a href="pictures.htm">Photo Archive</a></strong></div></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <map name="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="62,112,170,136" href="donate.htm"> <area shape="rect" coords="61,241,170,264" href="history.htm"> <area shape="rect" coords="63,362,168,384" href="nasalinks.htm"> <area shape="rect" coords="57,488,172,513" href="los.htm"> </map> </body> <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>