Photo with Jeb Bush 2006

Letter of Support 2002
By Jerry Stigliano (Principal)

Letter of Support 2003
By Hon. Cliff Stearns (US Congressman)

Letter of Support 2003
By William Basford (Lawyer)

Letter of Support 2003
By Hon. Cliff Stearns (US Congressman)

Letter of Support 2004
By FL Space Grant Consortium

Letter of Support 2004
By FL Space Grant Consortium

Letter of Support 2005
By Jerry Stigliano (Principal)

Letter of Support 2006
By Hon. Jennifer Carroll (FL Rep. Dist 13)

Letter of Support 2006
By Hon. Mel Martinez (US Senator)

Letter of Support 2006
By Teaching Science & Technology

Letter of Support
By Florida Space Research Institute

Letter of Support
By Zero G Weightless Flights